Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dollar General (Churubusco, IN)

Update: April 14, 2011

The District Manager called me and apologized for this experience.
He asked me if there was anything that I wanted to add to my posted experience
and he assured me that he was going to address this and that this was inexcusable.

Finally, someone who cares! Thank you Dollar General for your customer service!
Now let's see if it get's results.

Visit Date: April 09, 2011

The prices are right! Well at least on the shelf. After shopping and selecting our bargains, upon check out I noticed an item didn't ring up at the 25% OFF that the shelf tag stated. I spoke up and a clerk went back and checked. I was right and they corrected it. Sarah, the clerk, rang things up quickly so I didn't see how everything rang up. I went out to the car and checked my receipt. Low and behold TWO other items did not ring up correctly, so I went back in set my bag on the counter and walked back to the items and took photos of the price on the shelf. I returned to the counter (note that when we came back in there was NO ONE at the counters or even nearby) with my photos and told Sarah that two more items rang up incorrectly and showed her the photos. Her snippy response was "You didn't have to take photos! I would have just given it to you!" I explained that I took the photos because when the first item had ringed up incorrectly, another clerk had to go check. So I saved her some time. I'd like to say that this is not the first time this had happened. Dollar Generals are notorious for errors in shelf to register pricings. So if I were you, I'd check EVERYTHING to make sure it rings up correctly. The prices are not good if they charge you more than you thought you were paying!

On another note, there was an item in the much unorganized "clearance" side counter without any pricing. I took this item to the counter and asked what the price was. Sarah said $1.75. I asked her what the original price was and she said she couldn't tell! I told her that she could keep the item then, because there was no way for me to tell what kind of deal I was getting. She was not helpful in resolving this matter.

I did, however, get one great deal. There was a box of instant Cappuccino Mocha for $1 that rang up at .01! So I went back and got the rest of those!

Thanks Dollar General for the good prices. But please get your registers right and train your clerks to be a bit more helpful and polite!

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