Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The UPS Store (Warsaw, IN)

Owners: Lisa & Vince Poczik
2562 Walton Blvd
Warsaw, IN 46582


Issue: A verbal quote for prinitng was given and due to a "mistake" that they made, they refused to honor the quote that was given.

Result: Loss of time, loss of business, damage to reputation

Follow-up: Lisa, the owner, wanted to tell her "side" of the story. So you can listen to her now. You can experience first hand, her poor customer service skills.

Upon returning to the store, Lisa proceeded to shift the blame of the error in quoting (which she confirms was a quote) onto the person who asked for the quote, stating that "she" should have not asked for another quote. Excuse me? The document changed, therefore, the quote would change in some manner. Am I missing something here? Why wouldn't a person ask for another quote when something has changed?

Also, Lisa makes the outrageous comment that "losing you (me) as a customer, may be a blessing". What!? You may ask... "Did she actually say that?" Yes, she did. Listen for yourself. She then stated that they can not meet my demands? My demands are simple. If you give a quote, you honor it. If you are wrong, you take responsibility for being wrong. You do not shift the blame to the customer. You must do quality work and be professional. I guess she is right. This store and it's employees can NOT meet my demands, even though they are reasonable and expected from any business. Most importantly you treat your customers with respect, after all, they are why you are there in the first place... right?

I suggest that current and potential customers think twice before patronizing this business.

The corporate offices have begun to return my calls to discuss this store.

More details later...